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Thursday, January 31, 2002
What's Growing.
good question, actually. we moved into our (first) house in august 2001. part of our attraction to this particular house was (is) the generously-sized lot and the towering pine trees. and all the other greenery, not all of which we've identified. here's what i do know we have:
- crape myrtle
- plumbago
- roses
- ixora
- several holly bushes
- asparagus ferns
- Mexican false heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia)
- Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa) - the butterfly weed really does draw monarchs. we had caterpillars in december!
there are lilies of some sort; maybe a couple of azaleas. lots of shrubby things of uncertain heritage. oh, and several non-pine trees.
slowly, slowly, i'm identifing the rest. although at this point, we still don't know what kind of grass we have.
we also seem to have a fine crop of squirrels.
Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Gardening in General | Permalink