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Monday, July 01, 2002

Random Gardenia Flowers.

the lonely gardenia bud finally bloomed yesterday. close inspection of the smaller gardenia bush revealed a couple of belated buds there, too, although they're at least a couple of weeks behind this one. i wonder whether these belated blooms are appearing because i trimmed / pruned both bushes after the main bloom in late may? i've forgotten whether gardenias bloom on old or new growth...have to check on that later.

the rooted gardenia remains green and (slowly) growing. it's accompanied by a gardenia stick, which does, in fact, have roots. no leaves on the stick yet.

Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Projects..., Shrubs & Trees | Permalink


We have been in our house for 2 and one half years and the 2 gardenia plants that were here are full and beautiful,[about 3 feet high] but, there have never been the first bloom on them. They look healthy. The are planted against the house on the S.E. side of the house. What do you suggest? Thanks, Wilna

Posted by: Wilna Gresham | May 8, 2004 1:20:16 PM

I actually dont know what URL means. But I have a small Gardenia bush that was here 3 years ago when we moved to this house in SE Georgetown. It has had its first flower. The bush looks yellowish. I have put a gardenia/kind of acidifying stuff on it from MiracleGrow and it is sort of green and sort of yellow. I would like for it to thrive. It is no more than 15 inches high and on the NE corner of our house. I have looked and looked for gardenia info on the net to no avail. Any ideas? Fran

Posted by: Fran | May 12, 2004 9:00:10 PM