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Wednesday, October 16, 2002


it's been unseasonably cool here in houston for the last few days. temp was 50ish when i got up this morning.

however, my lone surviving rose seems to be greatly enjoying the cool spell and has put on a spurt of growth.

the lettuce is getting quite leafy and doesn't appear to have been disturbed (yet) by pests. i do think i should have sowed the seeds a little bit deeper; the roots just seem to be barely in the soil.

the two parsley plants i bought and planted a few weeks ago have nearly doubled in size; i think we'll be using some of that this evening. the oregano has also grown quite a bit and is probably ready to be trimmed.

the basil by the back door went into full bloom while we were out of town.

Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Edibles, Weather | Permalink
