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Monday, October 14, 2002
Home Again.
darin and i returned last night from a few days in salt lake city for my sister's wedding.
the wedding ceremony was at the university of utah's red butte garden and if i hadn't been so busy with my bridesmaid duties i would have loved to spend more time touring the garden. maybe it's just as well i didn't have time to explore or i would have been tempted by too many plants that could never be happy in houston.
it was nearly dark when we got home last night (and only barely light when we left for work this morning), so i couldn't really check on any of my plants. i could see the peas well enough to know that at least one is about three feet tall and the spinach is sprouting (again).
the cats ate much of one of my potted gardenias but i think it is salvageable. two or three of my latest gardenia cuttings are in desperate need of potting - masses of roots are getting all tangled up and i have to add water every day.
the most noticeable change is that the temperature here in houston is about 20 degrees cooler than it was when i left last wednesday. brrr.
Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Places to Go | Permalink