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Monday, February 17, 2003

Raised Bed Layout. a more-or-less

Raised Bed Layout. a more-or-less accurate representation of the plantings in the raised bed.

bed layout
scale: 1 square = 6" -- click for a larger view (113k)

yes, it really is this haphazard. it started out being neat and organized, but as plants lived (and died) i just stuck more in the empty places. and darin keeps buying rosemary plants that i must find places for.

i used a nifty freeware application -- room arranger -- to create the graphic.

Posted by Erica Bess Duncan | Permalink


Hello .. I am looking for a few Rosemary plants potted and ready to pot up in larger pots and into the ground also..Can you please tell me where I might obtain some nice cuttings or plants this summer? I am interested in the Rosemary that is used for culinary , for fish , chicken , steaks, etc. If you could help me with this I would sure appreciate it ..

Thanks so much
Dick Pepper

Posted by: Dick Pepper | Apr 17, 2004 9:18:29 PM