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Sunday, April 20, 2003

Easter Lilies.

pixie liliesthey aren't "real" easter lilies, but my pixie lilies are blooming for easter anyway.

the first yellow opened yesterday, and the crimson started opening today. i'm very pleased with how they look. darin likes them, too.

Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Ornamentals, What's Blooming... | Permalink


I have a question. Can frost kill pixie lillies?

Posted by: Marsha | Mar 21, 2004 8:13:32 AM

We bought some beautiful orange pixie lillies from Lowes about 2-3 months ago. We put them into a large planter with plenty of room, gave them the best potting soil, and even added some miracle grow. They bloomed for about 2 weeks if that, and nothing since. The leaves look tremendous, very green and beautiful, but I cannnot get anything else to pop up. I have never had this type of flower, so I wasnt sure if they only bloom once. I live in Houston, Texas, they get sun and shade.
Also, we even cut back one stem, to see if that would help, but nothing.

Any help would be great!

Posted by: amy trawick | May 14, 2004 12:33:30 AM

Please tell me how many times pixie lillies bloom and are they easy to grow and when is best time to grow and do they spread

Posted by: kim | Apr 2, 2005 9:49:49 PM

I bought a Pixie Lilly about a month ago & have it inside in a pot. It was doing great..until my young son threw a towel across the room & broke it off. It snapped leaving the roots in the bottom of the pot. I replanted in down into the same pot across from the roots. My question is..will it live & reroot? It's been 3 days & the leaves are wilting a bit but it is still green & looks healthy so far.

Posted by: Cathy | Apr 28, 2005 11:46:18 PM

I have got orange pixie lillies which have bloomed only once how do you get them to bloom agian? as it says flowers june - august???

Posted by: Jill | Jul 1, 2006 1:05:39 AM

what is a pixie lilly and what are the conditions the go through and the instrutions to keep or grow\

:-] hahahahahha

Posted by: hunter | Apr 26, 2007 6:39:29 PM

i got pixie lillys as a gift i put them in the garden, some thing ate the leaves almost all off but the blooms are ready to open, there was like black fungas like stuff on the stems, i have seen little red bugs on the could that be whats doing it what can i do about this. carol

Posted by: carol | Jun 30, 2007 1:27:50 PM

I also have pixie lillies in garden. All are blooming great. But I have a bleck tar like sticky solution on leaves. eating holes in leaves. How can I get rid of it.

Posted by: kathryn | Jun 23, 2009 12:00:55 PM

I purchased an orange pixie lily today and would like to know if I can plant it in the garden now? I live in Suffolk county, Long Island, N.Y. If this is a bad time to plant it, what should I do with it when it stops blooming?

Posted by: Angela | Oct 26, 2010 11:20:45 PM