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Monday, April 14, 2003


the "thorny tree-thing" by the garage is not a yaupon. it's a pyracantha coccinea (firethorn, appropriately enough).

it's a nice enough looking tree -- great clusters of white flowers right now; later it will have bright red berries. but it has the wickedest thorns of just about any plant i've ever encountered. and it grows so much we have to prune it three or four times a year to allow access to the passenger side of our vehicles and to avoid snapping off auto antennas when we back out of the garage (replaced one antenna already).

Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Shrubs & Trees | Permalink


i have a mystery seedling that is a tree, but it has thorns on it's trunk, and thorns on its branches. i am trying to find out what type of tree this is. can you help me?

Posted by: laura | Dec 5, 2003 10:54:52 AM


Look at the leaves and bark, then check online (or in a tree identification book) to see if you can get a match. Try searching for "tree identification" +[whatever state you live in].

Or, if your seedling tree is big enough to take a clipping, do that and take it to a good nursery or your local cooperative extension office and see if anyone can identify it.

Good luck,

Posted by: erica | Dec 10, 2003 2:54:40 PM

Is a Pyracantha Cherri Berry bush piosonous?
I was thinking of planting one but I have small children and really need to know!

Posted by: Sandy | Apr 8, 2004 4:00:05 PM