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Friday, August 15, 2003

Plant hardy, heat-loving, hummingbird-friendly vines.

i already have a carolina jessamine (gelsemium sempervirens), now i know where to put it.

i also have a coral honeysuckle (lonicera sempervirens), but it's already in the ground and i'm not going to relocate it. but maybe i'll try to root cuttings eventually.

and darin bought four bare-root trumpet vines (campsis radicans) via mail-order. all four are growing happily in their temporary bed, awaiting cooler weather for transplanting along the back fence.

Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Suggestions... | Permalink


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i bought a hummingbird vine from this company no instructions on how to plant it,please email me and let me know,thanks corene

Posted by: corene paulson | May 28, 2006 8:56:35 PM

I planted 2 hummingbird vines last year. They didn't get very big, but this year have climbed all over my fence. However, there are no blooms, nor do I see evidence of emerging blossoms on either of 2 vines planted. I have seen a huge hummingbird vine a few miles away with blooms all over it. Is there any reason my vines would not bloom? Should I have not cut the plants back in the Fall?

Thanks for your help!

Posted by: Monica Burlin | Jul 30, 2006 9:54:52 AM