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Monday, March 01, 2004
February Flowers.
- azalea
- crinum
- crocus tomasinianus
- cuphea hyssopifolia (mexican heather)
- gelsemium sempervirens (carolina jessamine)
- ipheion uniflorum "wisley blue"
- justicia spicigera (mexican honeysuckle)
- lavandula multifida (fern leaf lavender)
- narcissus tazetta "erlicheer"
- pentas lanceolata
- plumbago auriculata
- salvia elegans (pineapple sage)
Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in What's Blooming... | Permalink
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February blooms. Heh.
It's the end of March, and I have crocus and primrose, and the primrose still looks a little beaten down. We are weeks away from daffs, althought the little jetfires look to win the race to bloom first.
Been so busy, I've been neglecting my garden blog - but truth told, we aren't in garden season up here quite yet... getting there, tho... all things in time.
Posted by: jenn | Mar 24, 2004 1:48:05 PM