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Saturday, March 27, 2004

Phlox divaricata.

images/phlox_20040322i'm very happy with the phlox divaricata (louisiana phlox) i bought last march. it started blooming about ten days ago and is still going. it's a great looking groundcover by the front door; if only i had twelve plants instead of two.

p. divaricata can be propagated by division in the fall; hopefully i'll remember to do it.

Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Ornamentals, What's Blooming... | Permalink


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Hello, Where did you get the phlox. I'm looking for some in Dallas, would you be willing to send me some from your garden. I remember as a small child, my mom's spread like wildfire in Houston!

Thank you,

[email protected]

Posted by: Jim Slack | May 3, 2004 11:15:29 PM

Erica - I hit upon this site searching for your Phloxdivaricata. Here in IL it blooms only in May. I heard you could cut it back for a rebloom. What can you tell me about it? Thanks!

Posted by: Sylvia Vitale | May 18, 2004 7:54:05 PM