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Sunday, May 02, 2004
April Flowers.
- allium cepa (multiplying onion)
- a. schoenoprasum (chives)
- anethum graveolens (dill)
- asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed)
- coreopsis grandiflora
- coriandrum sativum (cilantro)
- cuphea hyssopifolia (mexican heather)
- dietes bicolor (african iris)
- gelsemium sempervirens (carolina jessamine)
- hibiscus
- ipheion uniflorum "wisley blue"
- unidentified yellow iris
- justicia spicigera (mexican honeysuckle)
- misc. lantana
- lavandula dentata x l. lanata (goodwin creek grey lavender)
- l. heterophylla (sweet lavender)
- l. multifida (fern leaf lavender)
- lonicera sempervirens (coral honeysuckle)
- osmanthus fragrans (sweet olive)
- penstemon tenuis (brazos penstemon)
- rivina humilis (pigeonberry)
- serrano peppers
- salvia elegans (pineapple sage)
- s. officinalis x s. fruticosa (ne'we ya'ar sage / silverleaf sage)
- s. urtica
Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in What's Blooming... | Permalink
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I too have had a bit of blog burnout but I think it is behind me now. I have even reopened the gardening blog and look forward to a very exciting season this year that I am happy to present as I go along. What is clear is that this year I will be a lot more active as I have lost a lot of weight and have become a fitness freak. This enables me to pass long hours in the garden helping my wife and having some fun of my own. I love the "Now blooming ..." sidebar. Can I have one or is it copyrighted ;-)? Cheers! Wyn.
Posted by: Wyn | May 3, 2004 7:05:04 AM
I am looking for Mexcian Lavender. I was told it is shorter than the English Lavender, very deep purple and very fragrant.
Posted by: Vivian (Beezy) Schug | Jun 21, 2006 4:49:57 PM