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Monday, September 19, 2005
Pineapple Inspector.
here is faust, inspecting darin's just-harvested-from-the-backyard pineapple. i can't find any entry indicating when we (darin) planted the two pineapple tops, but it might have been spring 2004. i wasn't surprised that the pineapple tops grew, after all, everyone knows that. i was surprised when they actually bloomed and began producing tiny pineapples.
at long last, after months and months of mostly just sitting there, getting imperceptibly larger, this one looked ripe enough to pick. (maybe even a little too ripe.) don't know how it will taste, but it certainly smells like a pineapple.
Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Edibles | Permalink
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My daughter grew a pineapple plant from a top. No planting it outside for us Northerners, though. It was strictly a houseplant, and the leaves just got longer and longer. Finally, when it had more that a 36" spread, and she could no longer easily get it out of her tiny bedroom to summer outside, she gave it away.
Posted by: Kathy | Sep 20, 2005 6:02:24 AM
those leaves sure do get sharp, don't they! i can't imagine maneuvering around a 36" plant indoors.
Posted by: erica | Sep 21, 2005 8:49:10 PM
*That* is one adorable photo!
Posted by: NicoleAllee | Oct 12, 2005 5:44:40 PM