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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Quarterly Update.

i really need to get back into the habit of regularly updating the blog, but for now i'll aim for monthly posts.

things are currently hot and dry, not unusual for this time of year. the oxblood lilies (rhodophiala bifida) bloomed on two scapes about ten days ago; a third scape bloomed this week. and it looks like there may be two more to come. this pleases me greatly since i started with just two bulbs in december 2002.

callicarpa americana

the american beautyberry (callicarpa americana) is looking beautiful. i haven't bothered taking pictures, but the berries really are as richly colored as they appear in the photos on the usda plants site, and here's a picture of my own to prove it.

Posted by Erica Bess Duncan in Gardening in General | Permalink


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Wow those do look nice good work.

Posted by: Heart Healthy | Feb 16, 2006 4:09:51 PM